Walk and Talk at Sofiero

5 april 2025, 14:00 - 15:30

5 apr
Walk and Talk at Sofiero

We head to beautiful Sofiero Slott for an afternoon visiting the splendid grounds and taking in the early spring flowers! At this event, you can enjoy the open grounds, magnificent borders, hidden nooks, and views across the Öresund to Denmark. We’ll also share tips about the palace’s history and its famous inhabitants and visitors!

The grounds are free to enter until 15 April, when normal ticket prices apply. As we will visit during the low season, the castle and restaurants will be closed. There is parking across the road from the main entrance. Registration will open on 13 March – set a reminder using the Eventbrite link below!

Walk and Talk at Sofiero

  • 5 april 2025, 14:00 - 15:30
  • Längd: 1 timme 30 minuter


Sofiero slott
Sofierovägen 131
252 84 Helsingborg

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