Safe relationships – free from violence (Engelska)
We are worried about you. We want you to be well! Someone is worried that there is violence in your relationship, so the police have come to your home.
You are not alone…
Many people live in a relationship where there is violence. The violence affects the whole family, children, and friends around them.
Criminal and violent behaviour in a relationship includes threatening, hitting, kicking, pushing, controlling, raping, intimidating, sexually assaulting, abusing, stalking or damaging your partner’s property.
We work together to end intimate partner violence. We do not tolerate violence, and we do not want loved ones to be harmed and children to grow up with violence in the family.
The responsibility for ending violence always lies with the perpetrator.
Help is available if you want to live a life free from violence. We are here for you and offer the help you need to live in safety. We can offer counselling and emergency shelter. We can also help with other social problems.
Take advantage of the help we offer – contact us!
Give us a call. We are here for you!
- Acute, ongoing violence – Call 112
- Advice or report a crime – Call 114 14
- Advice or apply for help – Call the social services 042-10 64 56 08.00 – 17.00 and public holidays call 042-10 68 69
Support line for victims of violence
- Women’s helpline 020-50 50 50
- Support line for men 020-80 80 80
- Support line for transgender people 020-55 00 00
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