Garbage Robots will soon be Tested Digitally

Last year, the city of Helsingborg received SEK 2.8 million in funding from Sweden’s Innovation Agency, Vinnova, and its strategic innovation program, Drive Sweden.

En metallglänsande robot med fyrkantigt huvud och ben med hjul under skjutsar en kärra med en låda framför sig längs en kajkant.
The image has been created by AI.

In collaboration with Robot Minds AB and the regional waste management company Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB (NSR), the city has implemented a two-year project in which service robots will collect garbage bins in the Oceanhamnen district.

Some of the latest developments in the project include the creation of a digital twin of the district where the robots will be tested. The project can run simulations with digital robots thanks to the digital twin. The data collected provides valuable insights into addressing needs and potential bottlenecks in the area before the actual robots are in place. Soon, materials will be ordered, and construction of the robots will begin.

Several ongoing robotics studies and tests are being conducted in Helsingborg. Among others, the HelsingBotica project aims to produce data that can provide insights to improve the environment for micromobility vehicles and pedestrians, such as road surface conditions and signage information. In addition, the project can identify any insufficient or missing infrastructure for future vehicles, such as delivery robots.

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