How a digital twin can create a smarter city

The world’s cities account for the vast majority of its energy consumption and around the same proportion of carbon dioxide emissions. However, the cities are not just part of the problem; they are also part of the solution. With smart planning and prudent measures, cities can help reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.

As part of its climate-related work, Helsingborg has been collaborating with Lund University’s Campus Helsingborg to produce what may be termed a digital twin. This is a digital map on which, with the aid of statistics and, by extension, real-time data, traffic flows can be simulated, planned and subsequently tracked over time.

Via the map, every vehicle can be tracked and its place of departure and eventual destination plotted. Using the digital twin, city officials can simulate the traffic flow in the city and thereby learn more about what shape it takes.

Better check on traffic with digital twin

– “The idea is that we will subsequently be able to input a lot more traffic data into the digital twin, allowing us to understand what the flows look like. We will also be able to simulate different types of measures to see the exact effect they have,” says Jan Magnusson from the enterprise and destination development division at the City of Helsingborg. The advantages of carrying out simulations in a digital twin are that you can obtain a better decision-making basis and play about with a lot more alternatives.

“One example is combining loads,” says Jan Magnusson. “Just imagine that a single store receives three different deliveries in one day. One arrives with Schenker, one with DHL and one with PostNord. If we can find a model for combining these loads, only one vehicle would have to enter the city to get to that address on the day in question. By mapping the goods flows in central Helsingborg, we get a better understanding of the possibilities and choice of routes.”

Looking to create Sweden’s most sustainable logistics hub

Digital Twin is a project run under the auspices of the Helsingborg Declaration. The Helsingborg Declaration is an initiative where the city works together with over 50 stakeholders from the entire logistics chain to ensure that the Helsingborg region becomes Europe’s most sustainable and fast-moving logistics hub.

Read more about the Helsingborg Declaration: The Helsingborg Declaration | Entrepreneur Helsingborg

Watch the film

Watch the film about smart transport solutions in the city centre with a digital twin. Smart transport solutions in the city centre with a digital twin – YouTube

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